1 One there is above all others we adore,—
Mighty One of Israel, the King of kings,
One whose rule and reign shall be forevermore,
One whose majesty all heaven sings.
He is King over the sea and land;
His dominion is from shore to shore;
Worlds unknown lie in his mighty hand,
He reigns omnipotent, and shall forevermore.
2 Unto him we bow the knee, and service give,
And the mandates of his holy word fulfil;
In his glorious kingdom it is joy to live,
Joy to serve him, joy to do his will. [Refrain]
3 When the seasons fail, and years neglect their flight;
When the sun has ceased to shine, and worlds to move;
When the moon and stars have fled the pale of night,
King of kings he yet shall reign in love. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday School Voices: a collection of sacred songs #52