1 Once my eyes saw nothing comely
In the lowly Nazarene,
All his grace was hidden from me
By the clouds of sin between;
I was blind, but now I see,—
Jesus paid the debt for me.
I was blind, but now I see,—
Jesus paid the debt for me.
2 Once my ears could find no music
In his tender, pleading voice;
Now he speaks, and each low whisper
Makes my trembling heart rejoice.
His dear word hath made me free,—
Oh, what boundless liberty!
His dear word hath made me free,—
Oh, what boundless liberty!
3 Once my robes, by sin polluted,
Were as filthy rags unclean;
In the great King’s royal presence
I could never thus be seen.
I am whiter now than snow,—
Jesus’ blood has made me so.
I am whiter now than snow,—
Jesus’ blood has made me so.
4 Once I roamed in deserts dreary,
Sought in vain a place of rest;
Now my soul, no longer weary,
Leans entranced upon his breast;
Blessedness beyond degree,
Jesus is a rest for me!
Blessedness beyond degree,
Jesus is a rest for me!
5 Hallelujah, what a Saviour!
Half his love was never told;
I have found his kingly favor
Richer treasure far than gold.
Praise him, O my ransomed soul,
While eternal ages roll.
6 Oh, that all who hear the story
For themselves would taste and see;
Come to him; his banner o’er thee
Everlasting love shall be.
To thy weary soul be given
Rest on earth and rest in heaven.
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #129