1. Once by sin our souls were bound
And no helping hand we found,
And we struggled for our freedom but in vain;
Till our blessed Savior came,
Washed away our guilt and shame,
Gave us grace and help o'er sinfulness to reign.
Sin shall not have dominion over you;
For the Lord hath spoken
And its pow'r is broken:
Sin shall not have dominion over you;
For he causeth us to triumph day by day.
2. Free from sin we daily live
By the strength that he doth give,
For we trust in his almighty arm of pow'r:
He protects us day by day,
Keeps us in the narrow way,
And we find his grace sufficient ev'ry hour.
3. "Be ye holy," God commands,
By our side he ever stands
To protect us when the tempter doth allure:
And we never need to fall
If we trust in him for all:
He is able to uphold and keep us pure.
4. Oh, ye souls who plead for sin,
Look to God, then look within,
For the evil in your hearts his soul doth hate:
And, lest you be cast away,
Turn from wrong this very day,
Come repenting, seek his mercy ere too late.