1. On, toilers, onward, ne’er looking downward,
Rejoicing, ever keep thy eye above,
For God is o’er us, He goes before us;
His banner over us is love.
On, march on with chorus loud and strong,
O sing it, on, march on,
For right against the wrong,
O ring it, on march on,
Our watchword in the fray,
With God in sight we’ll work for right
And win the day.
2. Go forth, O toilers, glad service giving,
In lowly places given o’er to sin;
Till, free from sorrow, shall fair tomorrow
Rejoice with sheaves all garnered in. [Refrain]
3. Then onward, toilers, in shade or gladness,
With steady purpose ever strong and true,
The harvest glorious, in strife victorious,
The laborer crowned when toil is thro’ [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #5251