1 On Thy bosom let me rest,
Weary, worn and sore opprest;
Keep me lowly; I would be
Still closer to Thee.
Closer, closer,
Let me ever be,
Closer, yes, closer, dear Lord, to Thee.
2 When the darkness gathers near,
Banish ev’ry doubt and fear;
Keep me when no dawn I see,
Still closer to Thee. [Refrain]
3 Guide my erring bleeding feet
To the fount of life so sweet,
Keep me on life’s surging sea
Still closer to Thee. [Refrain]
4 Tho’ I’ve wander’d far from home
Never from Thee let me roam;
Day by day still let me be
Still closer to Thee. [Refrain]
Source: The Crowning Day : For use in Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #5