1 On this Holy Lord's day morning,
Master of the earth and sea;
Stand we in Thy sacred presence,
Hearts and souls athirst for Thee.
2 As we come around this table,
Emblematic of Thy death;
Fill, O fill us with thy Spirit,
Till in Thee our souls shall rest.
3 May this loaf and cup remind us
Of the sacrifice Thou made,
Bleeding, dying for transgression
That our sins on Thee be laid.
4 As we look to Thee, the Author
Of all hope and joy and peace,
May our loyal consecration
To Thee, never, never cease.
5 Grant us in this sacred service,
To behold God's love anew;
May the vision fill and thrill us,
Till Thy holy will we do.
Source: Favorite Hymns of Praise #434