1 On the solid Rock I am building,
And my home will surely stand the storm;
Tho’ the tempest rage fierce and madly,
All is safe, for it can do no harm.
On the solid Rock is my building sure,
Tho’ the tempest shock, still it is secure.
On the solid Rock I am building,
And my house will surely stand the storm.
2 On the solid Rock I am building,
Precious stones, gold, silver, may all be
That I place each day in the temple,
I am building for eternity. [Refrain]
3 On the solid Rock I am building,
Wood and hay and stubble will not stand
For the fires of God will destroy them,
His approval they can ne’er command. [Refrain]
4 On the solid Rock I am building,
And my work will surely there abide;
Then the Lord will say, Faithful servant,
A reward awaits you by my side. [Refrain]
5 O my brother, where are you building,
Is your house upon the Rock, or sand?
When the winds and waves beat upon it,
Will it fall in wreck, or will it stand? [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 3 #55