1 On the shore of Galilee,
Lo, the people thronging
Like the waves upon the sea,
Filled with earnest longing;
Drawn by Jesus’ wondrous deeds,
Who, in pity for our needs,
Seeks the sheep no shepherd heeds,
To His fold belonging.
2 Mothers bring their children near,
Eager for His blessing;
Gathers them the Saviour dear,
In His arms caressing;
Hearts bowed down with heavy grief
Find in Him a sweet relief,
Doubting souls in full belief
Christ, the Lord, confessing.
3 To His feet the sick and worn,
Friends in haste are bringing;
Wretched souls, be demons torn,
To His hands are clinging;
Jesus speaks the word of grace,
Healing love beams from His face,
Plagues and demons fly apace,
Woe is changed to singing.
4 Son of god, to thee we bow,
Answer us appealing;
Son of Man, look on us now,
Thy compassion feeling;
Not alone by Galilee,
Troubled hearts Thy face may see;
Let Thy mercy, large and free,
Bring to us Thy healing.
Source: The Bright Array #20