1 On the sea of life I sail, small my bark and wild the gale,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages;
And the anchor will hold fast, until all the storms are past,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages.
Anchored on the Rock, safely anchored on the Rock,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages;
Tho’ the gales of doubt may blow, blessed peace of soul I know,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages.
2 Love of God which will endure, is my cable strong and sure,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages;
Love of God with strength untold, thro’ the angry storms will hold,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages. [Refrain]
3 Peace and safety here are found, and my bark is homeward bound,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages;
Waiting for me over there, is a mansion bright and fair,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages. [Refrain]
4 On God’s promises I rest, they have stood in ev’ry test,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages;
To the haven I draw nigh, full of hope with courage high,
I am anchored on the Rock of Ages. [Refrain]
Source: The Modern Hymnal #426