1 On the mighty Rock of Ages,
I am resting day by day;
From this safe and blissful refuge
Naught shall lure my soul away.
Dark or bright the skies above me,
Sun, or cloud, or wave, or shore,
Resting on the Rock of Ages,
I am safe forevermore.
Oh, this sure, eternal refuge,
I have proved it o’er and o’er;
Resting on the Rock of Ages,
I am safe forevermore.
2 Clinging to the Rock of Ages,
When the storm is raging loud;
Trusting still my Lord’s protection,
Tho’ my heart with grief is bowed.
Tho’ above me and around me,
Angry winds and waters roar,
Clinging to the Rock of Ages,
I am safe forevermore. [Chorus]
3 Hiding in the Rock of Ages,
When the foe of souls is near;
Safe from evil and temptation,
What have I to dread of rear?
Tho’ without are woe and danger,
peace still floods my spirit o’er,
Hiding in the Rock of Ages,
I am safe forevermore. [Chorus]
Source: Melodies of Salvation: a collection of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs #154