1 On the holy hill of Zion,
God’s eternal mansions stand,
Thither faithful pilgrims journey
From the shores of ev’ry land.
Home of beauty! heav’nly dwelling!
Praise shall be thy blest employ;
Of those glorious heav’nly mansions,
Jesus is the light and joy.
2 They are seeking life immortal,
And they walk the narrow way;
Thro’ the pearly gates they’ll enter,
By the light of endless day. [Chorus]
3 Some are fainting from the roughness
Of the paths their feet have trod;
There is rest, O weary pilgrim!
In the mansions of our God! [Chorus]
4 Others walk with faith unfailing,
Heeding not the thorny road;
Pressing onward, patient ever,
Till they reach their blest abode. [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #144