1. On the birthday of the Lord,
Angel choirs, with one accord,
Joyous chant before the throne:
Glory be to God alone!
Lo! A virgin bore the Son,
Christ she bore, the Holy One,
Virgin ever undefiled.
2. Born is our Emmanuel,
Gabriel did the wonder tell;
Prophet eyes afar adored
Him, the sole-begotten Word. [Refrain]
3. Seraphs bring the gladsome tale,
Shepherds sing o’er hill and vale
Of the blessèd Savior’s birth,
Sweetest news for all the earth. [Refrain]
4. Hail the day, the happy morn;
Hail the Child of Mary born;
Born of God’s o’ershadowing might,
God of God, and Light of Light. [Refrain]
5. See! the wise their gifts unfold,
Incense, myrrh and royal gold;
Kneeling to th’eternal King,
Glory to our God they sing. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #4688