1 On man, in his own image made,
How much did God bestow;
The whole creation homage paid,
And owned him, lord below!
2 But oh! by sin how quickly changed!
His peace and honor fled,
His heart from God and truth estranged,
His conscience filled with dread!
3 Now from his Maker's voice he fled,
Which was before his joy;
And thought to hide his guilty head,
From all all-seeing eye.
4 Compelled to answer to his name,
With stubborness and pride
He cast on God himself the blame,
Nor once for mercy cried.
5 But grace, unasked his heart subdued,
And all his guilt forgave;
By faith the promised seed he viewed,
And felt its power to save.
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the most approved authors, 1799