1. On Cal’vry’s cross the Savior bled
And died, His love to show;
Thro’ Him eternal life I have,
The Spirit tells me so.
My soul is cleansed from inbred sin,
And this is how I know;
The Spirit answers to the blood,
And surely tells me so.
2. The Word of God is strong and clear,
By this, His will I know;
But when His will is wrought in me,
The Spirit tells me so. [Refrain]
3. My heart now feels the sprinkled blood
That washes white as snow;
My soul is cleansed from inbred sin,
The Spirit tells me so. [Refrain]
4. Nothing disturbs my inward peace,
No dark or secret foe;
The cleansing blood now makes me free,
The Spirit tells me so. [Refrain]
5. The streams of life from out my heart,
In rich abundance flow;
No sin pollutes the fountain deep,
The Spirit tells me so. [Refrain]
6. No transient good allures my soul,
In worldly paths to go;
I am the heir of endless bliss,
The Spirit tells me so. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #6286