1 Of whom shall it ever be said, "Too late,"
Too late for the mansions fair?
And whom shall we find at the pearly gate,
Made meet for a welcome there?
O do not delay, but while you may,
In haste to the Savior bow;
Alas! if thine ear the words should hear,
"Ye cannot enter now."
2 Of whom shall it ever be said, "Too late,"
To enter thro’ mercy’s door?
The Savior no longer for thee can wait,
Nor tenderly woo thee more. [Refrain]
3 To whom shall it ever be said, "Too late,"
Naught can for thee now avail!
Once spurning thy Savior and advocate,
All else for thy help must fail. [Refrain]
4 O turn to the Savior, no longer wait;
He tenderly calls today,
O why from the beautiful pearly gate
Should any be turned away? [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14004