1 O ye reapers of life’s harvest,
See the fields of ripened grain;
Will ye rest yourselves contented?
In your ease will you remain?
O arise and do your duty
As good servants of the Lord;
Help to save the souls that perish
Send the message of God’s word.
Yes, we’ll spread the joyful news over land and sea,
To the nations now in darkest night;
We will tell them of the Savior of Calvary,
Who will turn their darkness into light.
2 O ye stewards of the Master,
Whom the Lord that blessed so well,
With your barns and stores of plenty
And your homes with comforts filled,
Will ye bathe your souls in pleasure,
In the wealth He hath bestowed,
While the souls across the ocean
Never heard of heav’n or God? [Chorus]
3 Oh, the souls in heathen darkness!
How they grope in nature’s night,
Bowing down to wooden idols,
Never blessed with gospel light.
Hear their call for Christian workers;
how their hands stretch out for aid;
Will ye gladly send the message,
“Christ has come lost souls to save?” [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs: adapted especially to sunday schools, prayer meetings and other social services #142