Bible Songs #151
Display Title: Our One true everlasting portion First Line: O whom have I in heavens high Tune Title: [O whom have I in heavens high] Scripture: Psalm 73:19-23 Date: 1901 Subject: Access to God | ; Aspirations | For Heaven; Assurance | Declared; Assurance | Enjoyed; Blessedness | Of Those Who Visit God's House; Character | Good and Bad Contrasted; Christ | Communion with; Christ | Preciousness of; Christ | The Savior; Christians | Death of; Christians | Happiness of; Christians | Heirs of Heaven; Faith | Act of; Glory of God | In Church and Heaven; God | Guide; Gospel | Privileges of; Gospel | Sanctifying and Saving; Heaven | ; Immortality | ; Resignation | ; Resurrection | ; Strength in God | ; Trust in God | Expressed
Bible Songs #151