1. Oh, who can stand the judgment day?
None but the pure shall dwell with Christ.
Then what, poor sinner, can you say?
None but the pure shall dwell with Christ.
No, no, no, my Lord,
None but the pure shall dwell with thee;
No, no, no, my Lord,
None but the pure shall dwell with thee.
2. Now, sinner, wake and turn to God,
None but the pure shall dwell with Christ.
Ye lost, oh, flee to Jesus' blood,
None but the pure shall dwell with Christ.
3. You must be holy, white as snow,
None but the pure shall dwell with Christ.
Or you cannot to heaven go,
None but the pure shall dwell with Christ.
4. Backslider, you must turn again,
None but the pure shall dwell with Christ.
Or you cannot in glory reign,
None but the pure shall dwell with Christ.
Source: Select Hymns: for Christian worship and general gospel service #512