1 O where can truth be found today?
And where does wisdom hide?
O who to life’s mysteries holds the key?
O where does the knowing heart abide?
2 From ivory towers, philosophies fair,
From oracles of a day,
In halls of the learnèd, in palaces strong,
Do questioners seek to learn the Way.
3 They travel to and fro, and run
To far off lands and lore;
With unhearing ears, they do not perceive
That truth is knocking at the door.
4 "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
Respond to Jesus’ call,
And open the door to truth and light:
In Him is no darkness at all.
6 Let Jesus have your heart today,
He peace and love will bestow;
On Christ the Rock of truth now stand,
From whence do wisdom’s waters flow.