1 O when shall my soul find her rest,
My strugglings and wrestlings be o’er?
My heart, by my Saviour possessed,
Be fearing and sinning no more?
2 Now search me, and try me, O Lord!
Now Jesus, give ear to my cry!
See! helpless I cling to thy word,
My soul to my Saviour draws nigh.
3 My idols I cast at thy feet,
My all I return thee, who gave;
This moment the work is complete,
For thou art almighty to save!
4 O Saviour, I dare to believe,
Thy blood for my cleansing I see;
And, asking in faith, I receive
Salvation, full, present and free.
5 O Lord, I shall now comprehend
Thy mercy so high and so deep;
And long shall my praises ascend,
For thou art almighty to keep!
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #454