1 Oh, what as Jesus done for me?
He came from th'land of Canaan;
He died for me upon the tree,
That I might go to Canaan:
A glorious crown appears in view
In that bright land of Canaan:
A palm of royal victory too;
Come, let us go to Canaan.
Canaan, bright Canaan,
The glorious land of Canaan;
Our Canaan is a happy place,
Come, let us go to Canaan.
2 When I shall join that blesséd throng
In the glorious land of Canaan,
I'll sing the great Redeemer's song
With the happy saints of Canaan:
There Jesus sits upon His throne,
Exalted high in Canaan;
Inviting all His children home,
To dwell with Him in Canaan. [Chorus]
3 Come, sinner, turn, and go with me,
For Jesus waits in Canaan,
With angels bright to welcome thee
To all the joys of Canaan:
Come freely to salvation's streams,
They sweetly flow in Canaan:
There everlasting glory beams
Around His throne in Canaan: [Chorus]
Source: Hymnal and Order of Service: for churches and Sunday-schools #339