Oh what can I do for my Lord?
I am foolish, and small, and weak;
And I know not what to do,
And I know not how to speak.
“O child, there is nought you can do—
Sit down at His Feet and be still;
But what can He do by you?
O child, He can do what He will.
“He asks for your heart alone,
Then leave to Him all the rest,
For the smallest and weakest one
Is the one He can work with best.
“He will work His mighty will
All through the livelong day,
By the child who loves Him well,
Whether at work or play.
“His love through your eyes will shine
Till some sad hearts rejoice,
His tenderness move your hands,
Make music in your voice.
“His Name will be sweet on your lips,
As the flowers when the year is young;
He tells the tale of His love
The best by a childish tongue.
“Where He leads you by the hand,
The power of God shall go—
A mystery and a might
As when He walked below.
“For Jesus is still the same,
And He does His marvels still;
And by His children small
He works His glorious will.”
Source: Hymns of Ter Steegen and Others (Second Series) #154