1 O welcome, dear and lovely May!
I never knew so sweet a day!
The sky is blue, and soft the breeze,
The field is green, and green the trees.
2 The nightingale and sweet lark sing,
The beetle chirps, the lambkins spring;
On great and small, and man and child,
Falls warm and bright, the sunbeam mild.
3 How free is every living thing,
The bird that spreads his airy wing,
And I, who sit on grassy mound,
Where joyful songs of birds resound.
4 What splendor fills the world below!
How great the Lord who made it so!
And here, and far as space may be,
It tells its Maker's majesty!
5 To him I consecrate my joy!
And pleasure sweet, my thanks employ,
To him who fills the world with light,
And makes this time so far and bright!
Source: The Morning Stars Sang Together: a book of religious songs for Sunday schools and the home circle #25