1 O, wanderer lost in the mazes of sin,
Straying afar from the fold,
Jesus, the Shepherd, is calling to thee,
He longs thy faint heart to uphold.
“I have sheet that are tenderly sheltered” He says,
“But others are out in the cold,
And I the Good Shepherd must find every one,
And lead to my Father’s fold.”
2 O, wanderer think of the love He must bear,
Seeking for thee through the night;
Look! for His garments are crimson with blood—
And still wilt thou flee from His sight! [Refrain]
3 Still out on the mountains of death and despair,
Turning away from His voice;
Think ye that while there are some which are lost,
The Shepherd’s sad heart can rejoice? [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Songs No. 2 #72