1 O to thy servants, Lord, return,
And speedily relent!
As we of our misdeeds, do thou
Pf our just doom, repent.
2 To satisfy and cheer our souls,
Thy early mercy send;
That we may all our days to come
In joy and comfort spend.
3 Let happy times with large amends
Dry up our former tears;
Or equal at the least the term
Of our afflicted years.
4 To all thy servants, Lord, let this
Thy wond'rous work be known,
And to our offspring yet unborn,
Thy glorious pow'r be shown.
5 Let thy bright rays upon us shine,
Give thou our work success;
The glorious work we have in hand
Do thou vouchsafe to bless.
Source: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship #P.XX