[1 To Captives and Travellers.]
1 O To JEHOVAH give ye thanks,
because most good is He,
Because his mercy doth endure
ev'n to eternity.
2 Let the redeemed of the LORD
thus of his mercy say;
Whom He hath from the hand of foes
redeem'd and brought away.
3 From all the lands wherein they were
dispersed and distress'd,
Hath gather'd from the north, the sea,
the east and from the west.
4 They wandred thro' the wilderness
in an untrodden way;
No habitable town they found,
nor place wherein to stay.
5 With hunger were they famished,
with thirst extremely dry;
Their souls were in them overwhelm'd.
and ready were to die.
6 But then they to JEHOVAH cry'd
in their extreme distress;
And He them set at liberty
from all their anguishes.
7 For then along He led them in
a right tho' trackless way,
Glad to a town inhabited,
where they might safely stay.
8 O that men would JEHOVAH praise
for his great goodness then,
And for his many wondrous works
wrought for the sons of men.
9 For he the thirsty, longing soul
refreshing satisfies:
And He the hungry soul with good
ev'n to the full supplies.
[2 To Prisoners]
10 Such as shut up, in darkness dwell,
and in death's shade abide;
Who are in great affliction bound,
and fast in irons ty'd.
11 Because against the words of God
they did as rebels rise,
And counsels of the highest One
did daringly despise:
12 Therefore with slavish labour He
their hearts brought wholly down:
Under their burdens down they fell,
and helper there was none.
13 But then they to JEHOVAH cry
in their extreme distress;
And He them sets at liberty,
from all their anguishes.
14 He them out of their darkness brought,
and from death's shade He took;
And all the chains which bound them fast
He all to pieces broke.
15 O that men would JEHOVAH praise
for his great goodness then,
And for his many wondrous works
wrought for the sons of men.
16 For He hath into shivers broke
the gates of solid brass,
Asunder cut the iron bars,
and let the pris'ners pass.
[3 To the Sick]
17 Fools for their bold iniquities,
and sins, afflicted are:
18 Their souls ail meat abhor,
to gates of death draw near.
19 But then they to JEHOVAH cry
in their extreme distress;
And He them sets at liberty
from all their anguishes.
20 He sent his word of sov'reign pow'r,
and to them healing gave;
And graciously deliver'd them
from death and from the grave.
21 O that men would JEHOVAH praise
for his great goodness then,
And for his many wondrous works
wrought for the sons of men.
22 And of their thanks the sacrifice
let them with pleasure bring;
And while his works they tell abroad,
with gladness shout and sing.
[4 To those who go to Sea]
23 All those who down into the seas
in floating ships descend,
And venture on the waters great
their business to attend;
24 They there JEHOVAH's mighty works
with waking eyes behold,
And in the moving deeps they see
his wonders manifold.
25 For He commands, and instantly
the stormy winds arise,
Which drive the swelling waves along,
and raise them to the skies.
26 They mount to heav'n, and down they row!
to dreadful depths again;
Their souls quite faint and melt away
with anxiousness and pain.
27 As drunkards stagger to and fro,
they reel, with tempests toss'd;
They are as men of sense bereft,
and all their skill is lost,
28 But then they to JEHOVAH cry
in their extreme distress,
And He then brings them speedily
from all their anguishes.
29 He turns the storm into a calm,
at his almighty will;
So that the raging waves thereof
grow peaceable and still.
30 Then they rejoice, because at rest
they find themselves to be:
So them He to the haven brings,
which they had long'd to see.
31 O that men would JEHOVAH praise,
for his great goodness then
And for his many wondrous works,
wrought for the sons of men.
32 In all the congregations great
Him let them highly raise;
And where th' assembled elders sit
unite to spread his praise.
[5 To Husbandmen]
33 He to a desart turns a land,
where rivers did abound;
And where the springs of water flow'd,
into a thirsty ground.
34 A fruitful land to barrenness
He turns because of sin,
For the provoking wickedness
of those who dwell therein.
35 Then He the barren wilderness
with pools enriching fills,
And turns the dry and thirsty land
to springs and flowing rills.
36 And there for dwelling He a place
does to the hungry give;
Where they may social towns prepare,
and pleasantly may live.
37 Where they may fruitful vineyards plant,
and sow the fertile fields,
And may receive the rich increase,
which ev'ry harvest yields.
38 Yea He so greatly blesses them;
He multiplies their race,
And in his goodness suffers not
their cattle to decrease.
39 And when they are diminished,
and for their sins brought low.
Beneath oppression, tyranny
and grief are made to bow;
40 Then He on princes pours contempt,
and causes them to stray,
And wander in a wilderness
wherein they find no way.
41 But He from deep affliction makes
the poor on high to rise,
And like to multiplying flocks
He makes their families.
42 All this the righteous shall behold,
and will rejoice to view:
But all, asham'd, shall stop their mouths,
who wickedness will do.
43 Whoso is wise and will observe
these things attentively,
He shall the goodness of the LORD
with pleasing wonder see.
Source: The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre: being the New-England Psalm-Book, revised and improved... (2nd ed.) #PCVII
First Line: | O to Jehovah give ye thanks, because |
Copyright: | Public Domain |