1 O to be nearer, my Saviour, to Thee,
Feeling more surely Thy presence with me;
Under Thy shadow each day to abide,
Happy, dear Saviour, to walk at Thy side.
Nearer to Thee, nearer to Thee,
Draw me, dear Saviour, still nearer to Thee;
Nearer to Thee, nearer to Thee,
Draw me, dear Saviour, still nearer to Thee.
2 O to be emptied of self by Thy grace,
Grant that Thy Spirit my own may replace;
Make me as Thou art, Lord, pure as the light,
Evil despising and loving the right. [Refrain]
3 Nearer to Thee when the stormy winds blow;
Nearer to Thee when my tears overflow;
Nearer to Thee, Lord, whatever it bring,
Labor or rest, I can cheerfully sing. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Praise: for Use in Gospel Meetings, Evangelistic Services ... #122