1 O Those whose love bestoweth
The treasures of the years,
Whose Father-heart well knoweth
Our gladness and our tears;
Our wills in deep devotion
And trust we bow to Thee,
Great Ruler of the ocean,
Kind Sovereign of the sea.
2 Far o'er the waters faring,
By faith and courage stayed,
Forth go our loved ones, daring
The billows, unafraid;
For in Thy love abiding,
They fear no threat'ning doom,
With Thee their Pilot guiding
Through sunshine, storm and gloom.
3 In star and dew and thunder,
We see Thy love and Thee,
And in the golden wonder
Of sunlight on the sea;
May faithfulness to duty
On land and ocean broad,
In joy and power and beauty,
Unveil the face of God.
4 O Thou who art so human
To love and sympathize,
With light divine illumine
Our sense-beclouded eyes;
And since Thy will doth call them,
We pray, O Lord, to Thee:
May nothing ill befall them
Our loved ones on the sea.
Source: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book: official hymn book of the Methodist Church #648