Organ Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $33.00 A valuable collection of ready-to-play voluntaries for the beginning organist, the frazzled organist, or for the organist well versed in sight reading! With fifteen easy preludes, offertories and post… | |
Handbells Guitar C Instrument Piano Congregation Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $25.00 A unique collection of 25 settings designed for congregations that have services where simple, folk-like accompaniments are needed. Each tune has a piano accompaniment, guitar chord, optional handbell… | |
Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $26.95 This collection of instrumental music provides a variety of musical styles using traditional, contemporary, and classical songs.
Instrumental Parts pullout included with the book or available as a… | |
Piano Trumpet Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $32.95 Arranged with Keyboard Accompaniment
Brant Adams is perhaps the premier orchestrator for church music publishers today. This volume of trumpet solos is the first in the Brant Adams Instrumental Ser… | |
Piano Organ File download from Lorenz Publishing $33.00 Level 3 • This vibrant, bright, and rousing collection of familiar hymns of praise contains duets for organ and piano that have been arranged with skill and imagination. Certain to be useful for fes… | |
Piano Organ Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $33.00 Level 3 • This vibrant, bright, and rousing collection of familiar hymns of praise contains duets for organ and piano that have been arranged with skill and imagination. Certain to be useful for fes… | |
Handbells Moderately Easy File download from Lorenz Publishing $5.50 Level 2+ • An animated triple-meter swing propels this invigorating union of "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise" and "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty." Shakes, LVs, Echo Rings, and stopped techniq… | |
Handbells Moderately Easy Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $5.50 Level 2+ • An animated triple-meter swing propels this invigorating union of "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise" and "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty." Shakes, LVs, Echo Rings, and stopped techniq… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $28.00 With this collection of powerful hymn introductions, we welcome Jason Payne to the Lorenz organ catalog. Written for use in his own church, these twenty major hymn tunes receive energizing introductio… | |
SATB Piano Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $3.20 Based on the Apostle Paul's powerful doxology to first century Christians, this is an evocative text filled with awe and wonder at the sovereignty of a holy God. The deeply moving music covers the ent… |