1 O thou who dost to man accord
his highest prize, his best reward,
thou hope of all our race;
Jesu, to thee we now draw near,
our earnest supplications hear,
who humbly seek thy face.
2 With self-accusing voice within
our conscience tells of many a sin
in thought, and word, and deed:
O cleanse that conscience from all stain,
the penitent restore again,
from every burthen freed.
3 If thou reject us, who shall give
our fainting spirits strength to live?
’Tis thine alone to spare;
with cleansèd hearts to pray aright,
and find acceptance in thy sight,
be this our lowly prayer.
4 ’Tis thou has blessed this solemn fast;
so may its days by us be passed
in self-control severe,
that, when our Easter morn we hail,
its mystic feast we may not fail
to keep with conscience clear.
5 O blessèd Trinity, bestow
thy pardoning grace on us below,
and shield us evermore;
until, within thy courts above,
we see thy face, and sing thy love,
and with thy saints adore.
Source: CPWI Hymnal #122