1 O Thou, dear Sov'reign of my Breast,
In thy dear Myst'ry I am blest
With Peace an dJoy profound.
Now, sav'd from Sin and Hell, am I
In my dear Lamb's Humanity,
Where all my Joys abound.
2 Here will I hide from ev'ry Foe,
And thank thee, O my Saviour, too,
That I should favour'd be
To hide me in thy wounded Side;
And, what's yet more, to be thy Bride,
And truly one with thee.
3 Here would I live, for-ever live
In thee, my Lamb, and still receive
Thy Blessings ever new:
I'd turn my eyes from all to thee,
Whilst underneath the bloody Tree,
My Heart with Love o'erflow.
4 I long to prove the Depth profound,
The Glory of each bleeding Wound;
Not one was made in vain:
Nor is there any Discord there,
Or cause of Sorrow, Pain or Fear;
There, there my Soul remain.
Source: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs: sacred to the praise of God our Saviour #II.IV