1. O the wondrous story of a Savior’s love,
Coming from a throne to Calvary;
Leaving all the glories of that home above,
Died to save and set a lost world free.
O love divine, His love to prove,
Christ paid the debt for you and me;
All praise to His redeeming love,
He left a throne for Calvary.
2. Thro’ God’s tender mercy and His boundless love,
Jesus left a throne for Calvary;
But he conquered death, and lives, and reigns above,
Now His blood atones for you and me. [Refrain]
3. O the precious knowledge of a Savior’s love,
And a peace the world cannot destroy;
While the blest assurance of a home above,
Fills the heart and soul with praise and joy. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #6705