1 O the wondrous pow’r of a Savior’s love
To the sinful and sick reveal’d!
Ev’ry ling’ring pain Jesus can remove
Praise the Lord, “by His stripes we are heal’d.”
By His stripes we are heal’d,
By His stripes we are heal’d;
On His guiltless head
All our sins were laid,
By His stripes we are heal’d.
2 There in Pilate’s hall see the guiltless One;
How the hearts of His foes were steel’d!
How they pierc’d with thorn God’s beloved Son!
Praise the Lord, “by His stripes we are heal’d.” [Refrain]
3 His atoning blood still avails today;
For the kingdom be sav’d and seal’d;
In the open’d fount wash your stains away,
Praise the Lord, “by His stripes we are heal’d.” [Refrain]
4 Turn away from sin, let the Christ come in,
Bow the heart in contrition, yield
To His mighty pow’r this accepted hour,
Praise the Lord, “by His stripes we are heal’d.” [Refrain]
Source: Full Gospel Songs #32