1 Oh, the song of the soul shall not die nor grow old,
Nor languish nor pine, in the home of our King!
But as ages fly onward new chords shall unfold,
New melodies meeting, inspire us to sing.
Oh, the song of the soul!
Oh, the song of the soul!
Forever in glory the song of the soul!
2 In the beautiful land far away o'er the tide,
The jasper-walled home of the Ancient of Days,
Where the ransomed ones shine as the sun in his pride,
Our long hallelujahs of glory we'll raise.
3 And the fair, golden harps in the hands of the blest,
Shall thrill to a touch that no angel can give,
As we sing in that land where the weary shall rest,
Of One who hath died that a sinner might live. [Refrain]
4 And as ages fly onward, tho' worlds cease to be,
And perish the stars that in heaven do throng,
Still the joy of the soul shall be deathless and free,
And deathless and free the sweet notes of her song. [Refrain]
Source: Living Hymns: for use in the Sabbath School, Christian Endeavor Meetings, the church & home #54