1 O the moon shall be confounded and the sun shall be ashamed,
When the Lord shall reign in Zion in His love,
When His name shall be exalted over every name that's named,
And the saints of God His perfect will shall prove.
What a gath'ring, gath'ring,
'Tis the sounding of the glorious jubilee!
What a gath'ring, gath'ring,
Where Thy saints together meet to worship Thee!
2 O we once were taught of heaven and we hoped to anchor there,
When our voyage should be o'er on life's rough sea,
But by walking in the Spirit we have found a heaven here,
He's our heaven and the Lord's our jubilee. [Refrain]
3 He hath quickened us together, saving us from sin and shame;
He from selfishness and fear hath made us free;
He has brought us full salvation and He saves us by His name,
That in Him we might both well and happy be. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #283