1 Oh, the Lamb that was slain, soon is coming again,
Coming back in his kingly array;
The bright glory light, as it breaks on our sight,
Shines the curse of the earth all away.
Oh, the better day is coming,--the day star is shining,
The better day is coming bye and bye;
Oh, the better day is coming, in the dawning of the morning,
The better day is coming by and bye.
2 Then look up, weary saint, for thy mourning shall end,
And the fountain of tears shall be dried:
Sing--joyfully sing unto Jesus the King,
Who will reign with his bride at his side. [Chorus]
3 Wand'ring child, lone and sad, from thy Father's abode,
On the mountain of sin, dark and cold,
The kind Shepherd waits, with a light at the gate,
He is calling thee back to the fold. [Chorus]
4 Roll away, sky of blue, let the Saviour come thro'--
Angry nations rush on to the fray;
But saints clad in white, and the angels of light,
With the conquering Lamb, win the day. [Chorus]
Source: The Golden Sheaf: a collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, loyal worker's meetings, prayer and social services (Enl. ed.) #68