1 O the golden glowing morning,
All the waiting earth adorning
For this Easter day!
To the King in all his splendor,
Lord of life and death, we render
Highest lauds this day!
Let the banners float before us,
While we raise th’exulting chorus,—
Christ is risen! He is risen!
This is Easter day!
2 Hark! the highest heavens ringing,
Hark! the quiring angles singing
This is Easter day!
No more grieving, no more sighing!
No more weeping, no more dying!
Christ is King this day!
With the blessed ones before us,
We will swell the heavenly chorus,—
Christ is risen! He is risen!
This is Easter day!
3 Shout aloud the wondrous story,
For the King in all his glory
Draweth nigh this day!
Vernal benediction giving—
Christ the Life, the Ever-living!
On this Easter day!
Let the banners float before us,
Send along the angel chorus,—
Christ is risen! He is risen!
This is Easter day!
4 Oh, that longed-for day of union,
When thine own in thy communion,
Lord of Easter day!
Into life eternal waking,
Celebrate—thy love partaking—
Endless Easter day!
For the joy that waits before us,
We will swell the angel chorus,—
Christ is risen! He is risen!
This is Easter day!
Source: Worship and Song. (Rev. ed.) #115