1 O the blessed bible, what a treasure!
Richer far than all beside;
Full of promises and wisest precepts,
It shall be our staff and guide.
Precious, holy bible, how we love it!
Sent from heaven by love divine;
‘Tis a lamp that shines upon life’s pathway,
May it evermore be mine.
2 O the blessed bible, what a comfort
When we’re overwhelm’d with grief;
Tho’ the heart may break and tears are falling,
If affords us sweet relief. [Refrain]
3 O the blessed bible, what a weapon!
Sin may tempt, but all in vain;
All our foes it certainly will vanquish,
If we trust in Jesus’ name. [Refrain]
4 O the blessed bible, ‘tis the manna
That sustains us by the way,
While as pilgrims onward we are pressing
To the land of perfect day. [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Herald in Song #45