O! the almighty Lord!
How matchless is his power!
Tremble, O earth, beneath his word,
While all the heav'ns adore.
Let proud imperious kings
Bow low before his throne:
Crouch to his feet, ye haughty things,
Or he shall tread you down.
Above the skies he reigns,
And with amazing blows
He deals insufferable pains
On his rebellious foes.
Yet, everlasting God,
We love to speak thy praise;
Thy sceptre's equal to thy rod,
The sceptre of thy grace.
The arms of mighty love
Defend our Zion well:
And heav'nly mercy walls us round
From Babylon and hell.
Salvation to the King
That sits enthroned above!
Thus we adore the God of might,
And bless the God of love.
Source: Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts, The #II.80