1 Oh! that our flinty hearts could melt,
While to remembrance, Lord, we call
Part of that weight which thou hast felt;
For who can comprehend it all?
2 Ye sinners, while these symbols dear
Present your suffering Lord to view,
Drop the soft tribute of a tear,
For he shed many a tear for you.
3 In the sad garden, on the wood,
His body bruised, from every part
Poured on the ground a purple flood,
Till sorrow broke his tender heart.
4 Lord, while we thus show forth thy death,
O send thy Spirit from above;
Help us to feed on thee by faith,
And sigh, and sing, and mourn, and love.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #824