1 O that I now might know Thy love,
The riches of Thy grace so free;
That I with all Thy saints might prove,
There’s cleansing in the blood for me.
There’s cleansing in the blood,
There’s cleansing in the blood;
Just now I claim the promise mine,
There’s cleansing in the blood for me.
2 O cleanse me from the carnal mind,
And grant that I may victor be;
And help me now, O Lord, to find
There’s cleansing in the blood for me. [Chorus]
3 The world I now forever leave,
And consecrate myself to Thee;
I come in faith, for I believe
There’s cleansing in the blood for me. [Chorus]
4 No more I struggle with my sin;
No more am I by Satan bound;
No more doth evil reign within,
For cleansing in the blood I’ve found. [Chorus]
5 I’ll give the glory, Lord, to Thee,
And evermore Thy praises sound;
For grace and power and victory
And cleansing in the blood abound. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #105