1 O tell me o'er and o'er again the tale I love so well,
Of how the King of glory left His throne,
And came a humble man among our sinful race to dwell,
That He might save and claim us for His own.
O tell the sweet old story once again,
Of how the Saviour loved the sons of men,
He loved them, oh, so well,
He came on earth to dwell,
O tell the sweet old gospel story once again.
2 I am both weak and sinful but one thing I surely know,
That Jesus fills my heart with grace and love,
That He will guide me safely thro' my journey here below,
And then will take me to Himself above. [Chorus]
3 O tell again the story of His mercy and His grace,
The story that is told of Him alone;
Of how He died in torment, in the helpless sinner's place,
And conquered and is now upon His throne. [Chorus]
Source: Exalted Praise: a twentieth century collection of sacred hymns for the church, Sunday school, and devotional meetings #136