1 O strike the loud cymbals and shout the refrain,
The captives in bondage no longer remain;
The morn of redemption has dawned on our race,
The darkness of midnight no more shall we trace.
Go spread the glad tidings, the captives are free;
Proclaim to all nations the grand jubilee;
O waft in ye breezes, o’er mountain and plain,
Till earth shall re-echo the joyful refrain.
2 Sound forth the high praises of Jesus our King,
Till earth with the echo of music shall ring;
Oh, let all the nations with joyful acclaim
Give honor and might to Immanuel’s name. [Refrain]
3 The poor and opprest hath the Savior relieved,
The burdened and wretched in him have believed;
Salvation and vict’ry are wrought by his pow’r
And kingdoms in darkness shall hail this glad hour. [Refrain]
4 His name and his fame o’er the isles spread abroad,
With blood he hath purchased redemption to God;
Exultant with triumph we’ll sing the sweet song,
And anthems of glory to Jesus prolong. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.2 #176