1 O soul, consider and be wise,
And seek salvation while you may,
In this alone your safety lies
Against the aweful judgment day;
‘Tis Heaven or Hell, the choice is yours
Which through eternity endures.
2 Satan has taught mankind to sin,
And lures them from the heavenly goal;
Shall he a further triumph win,
And doom your unrepenting soul
To travel an unending road,
For ever separate from God?
3 Where God is not! O aweful thought,
A realm deserted, cast aside,
With sin to full fruition brought
And evil crowned and deified;
Where dread remorse and vain desire
Burn like an unconsuming fire.
4 God stoops from Heaven your soul to save,
He calls you now from Calvary;
What hope have you beyond the grave,
And who can give you hope but he?
Why longer in your sin remain?
For your redemption Christ was slain.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #885