O slumberer, rouse thee! despise not the truth;
But give thy Creator the days of thy youth;
Why standest here idle?—the day breaketh,—see!
The Lord of the vineyard is waiting for thee!
“Holy Spirit, by Thy power,
Grant me yet another hour;
Earthly pleasures I would prove,
Earthly joys, and earthly love;
Scarcely yet hath dawned the day;
Holy Spirit, wait, I pray!”
Hark! borne on the wind is the bell’s solemn toil;
‘Tis mournfully pealing the knell of the soul;
The Spirit’s sweet pleadings and strivings are o’er;
The Lord of the vineyard stands waiting no more!
O loiterer, speed thee! the morn wears apace;
Then squander no longer the moments of grace;
But hast while there’s time! with the Master agree;
The Lord of the vineyard stands waiting for thee!
“Gentle Spirit, stay, oh stay!
Brightly beams the earthly day;
Let me linger in these bowers;
God shall have my noonday hours;
Chide me not for my delay;
Gentle Spirit, wait, I pray!”
O sinner, arouse thee! thy morning is past;
Already the shadows are lengthening fast;
Escape for thy life! from the dark mountains flee;
The Lord of the vineyard still waiteth for thee!
“Spirit, case thy mournful lay,
Leave me to myself I pray;
Earth hath flung her spell around me,
Pleasure’s silken chain hath bound me;
When the sun his path has trod,
Spirit, then I’ll turn to God!”
Source: The Gospel Choir #80