1 O sinner, hear the Savior’s voice,
He calls you,—haste away;
Come, make His law of love your choice;
He calls you,—come today.
Come, sinner, come today,
Come to the blessed Savior,
Make no delay, but haste away;
He calls you,—come today.
2 From folly, unbelief and sin,
He calls you,—haste away;
From foes without and foes within,
He calls you,—come today. [Refrain]
3 From soul-distracting doubts and fears,
He calls you,—haste away;
From sorrow’s unavailing tears,
He calls you,—come today. [Refrain]
4 To purest bliss to mortals given,
He calls you,—haste away;
To peace, and hope, and joy, and heav’n,
He calls you,—come today. [Refrain]
Source: Honey Out of the Rock: a compilation of sacred songs and hymns for use in gospel meetings and other religious services #49