1 O shout the watchword clear and strong,
“Temperance and Liberty.”
We march to vict’ry over wrong,
Temperance and Liberty;
Come join together hand in hand,
Inspired by all that’s good and grand,
And help to save our native land,
Temperance and Liberty.
2 We’ll watch and work as well as pray,
Temperance and Liberty,
For soon will dawn our golden day,
Temperance and Liberty.
Eternal right is at the stake,
Our hands the chains of sin must break,
Through grace divine, and for his sake,
Temperance and Liberty.
3 Our noble cause the Lord will bless,
Temperance and Liberty,
It stands for truth and righteousness,
Temperance and Liberty.
With faith in God and self control,
We forward press to reach the goal,
Exultant sing with heart and soul,
Temperance and Liberty.
Source: Gospel Gems Number 1 : One Hundred Eighty Sacred Selections for Religious Meetings #172