1 O Shepherd beautiful, I pray Thee, feed me,
Forever in Thy beauteous pasture land;
Where the living waters are I pray Thee lead me,
By Thine own hand.
2 When comes the dawn, and dewy slopes are waking,
And fragrant flow’rs unfold to greet the light,
That thro’ the gold and rose of morning breaking,
Dispels the night.
3 And from the hills Thy praises are ascending,
A thousand voices, yea, a thousand more;
All in one joyous jubilate blending,
Their praise outpour.
4 O Shepherd beautiful, be near to guide me,
Fill all my soul with love and praise to Thee;
Let not my supplication be denied me,
Grant me to see.
5 The shining of Thy footsteps in the river,
To hear Thy voice far up the mountain side;
"Put thou thy trust in Me, I will deliver:
For thee I died."
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14368