I. O sent by heav'n, to teach the Saviour's praise,
And bid our hearts with pure devotion glow!
Truth shines around thee, with distinguish'd rays,
And all graces in thy language flow.
II. Here beauteous landskips spread their various charms,
The mind inspiring with delight serene;
With pleasing pow'r while sacred friendship warms,
And blest religion crowns the lovely scene.
III. Now deeply humbled, self-abas'd, we read
The abject state of Adam's wretched race;
Now smiling hope lifts up her chearful head,
And faith adores immeasurable grace.
IV. What glories in our great Immanuel shine!
How rich, how free, how full his merits rise!
The curse remov'd, fulfill'd the law divine;
For rebels he obeys, for traitors dies.
V. His righteousness, (immortal robe!) he gives
To cloath the naked; while his flowing blood
Pours healing balm, the wounded sinner lives
To speak the honours of the Savior God.
VI. In him, what countless, endless wonders meet!
Truth, justice, mercy, reconcil'd appear:
His name, how precious! how divinely sweet!
Joy to the heart, and music to the ear.
VII. O Hervey, be thy pleasing labours crown'd
With bliss beyond the low rewards of fame!
Such joy be thine, as thy Aspasio found,
While many a Theron owns the Saviour's name.
Source: Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional, Vol. 2 #69