1 O season sweet when hill and vale
Are all in beauty drest,
When silent is the raging gale
And waves have sunk to rest,
O time of joy and song and light,
We hail thy shining hours,
We bid farewell to Winter’s night
And welcome thee with flow’rs.
O time of joy and song and light,
We hail thy golden hours,
We bid farewell to Winter’s night,
And welcome thee with flow’rs,
And welcome, and welcome,
And welcome thee with flow’rs.
2 Each flow’r that rises from the sod,
To make the world more fair,
Reveals the wondrous pow’r of God,
And whispers of His care.
Each star whose splendor is unfurled
Though midnight’s arches deep,
Proclaims the pow’r that rules the World
With love that ne’er shall sleep. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #200